Change in seasons brings changes to shopping days and hours at the San Lorenzo Family Help Center

As we move into fall we are making two key changes to our client program: reducing from two shopping days per client family down to one, and decreasing the number of Wednesdays we are open per month.

One Shopping Day Per Month

Starting October 1, 2024, the San Lorenzo Family Help Center (SLFHC) will move to providing one shopping day per month due to the reduced food supplied from the Alameda County Community Food Bank and an increase in the number of people and families receiving support from us. We are able to provide referrals to other local organizations providing food in the local Alameda County area, for those that need additional sources of food. 

During the summer months we provided clients two shopping days per month to cover additional food needed while schools were off and children were home for the summer. Now that school is back in session and school food programs are up and running, we will be reducing our client shopping down to one day per month.

Our Fall & Winter Wednesday Schedules

  • October – open the 9th and 23rd
  • November – open the 6th and 20th
  • December – open the 4th and 18th
  • January 2025 – open the 8th and 22nd