New Walk-in Refrigerator is Chilling in the San Lorenzo Family Help Center Pantry

Brrr…it’s cold inside thanks to a recent $30,000 grant we received from Alameda County Source & Recycling Board through to purchase a large walk-in refrigerator. With additional funding for installation the walk-in is now chilling produce and foods in our warehouse. Thank you to Pelco Sales and Services and Cold Storage Manufacturing for the installation and Moonlight Electric for connecting the electricity.

Defeating hunger in Alameda County takes a community of organizations and people funding and volunteering. Please consider donating to the San Lorenzo Family Help Center, in a small or big way, go to our San Lorenzo Family Help Center donation page.

Photo of inside a walk-in refrigeration with food boxes.

This large refrigeration unit increases our cold storage capacity and enables us to expand our Food Recovery Program. Other benefits include:

  • Replacement of inefficient refrigeration units, saving electricity and lowering our carbon footprint; and
  • Increase the volume of recovered produce, dairy and protein foods, enabling us to support more low and very low-income families with additional food resources; and
  • Enables us to scale our mobile pantry program reaching more families and individuals needing healthy and nutritious food who live in the unincorporated Alameda County areas of Cherryland, Ashland, Hayward Acres and San Lorenzo; and
  • Last but not least, improve our volunteer experience by reducing the manual loading of the wall refrigeration units.

Installation of the New Walk-in at the Pantry